Following the success of Managing My Investments’ on FutureLearn MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), we’re delighted to announce that this course is now available on OpenLearn, where you can access free interactive content and learn at a pace that suits you.

The course is the second in a series developed by the True Potential Centre for the Public Understanding of Finance (PUFin), in partnership with the Open University Business School. PUFin aims to empower the UK public to better manage their finances, and so far over 65,000 people have registered for the free courses, which include ‘Managing My Money’ and ‘Managing My Investments’. A third course, ‘Managing My Journey’ is due to launch on FutureLearn in Spring 2016.

What does the course cover?

‘Managing My Investments’ aims to give you the skills to manage your investments. After completing this course you will be able to:

  • understand how to make different investment choices
  • discuss returns and risks associated with investments and historical performance
  • explore practicalities of involvement in personal finance markets
  • understand individual and group behavioural traits that impair effective investment decision making.

Plus, you can sign up at any time and choose the topics that are most useful to you.

Learn to effectively manage your investments, sign up today.

For more information on the course and OpenLearn or to register visit

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